Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Changes one step at a time

Things will only change with everyone getting involved. Too many stories are coming out where CPS (Child protective services) are abusing their power and destroying innocent families while leaving children who need their help in dangerious situations that have resulted in too many deaths of these children entrusted to their care. We need to act or each of us will be facing homelessness in our elderly years as our children reach adulthood and positions of power. If we do not fight for them now, how will they learn to fight for others' rights when they reach adulthood.

Are we all going to allow our constitutional rights and those of our children to continue to be stumped on while leaving a trail of broken families and persons in the wake? OR are we going to conquer our fears and fight for the changes needed? We elect the congress people and presidents and house members. It is our responsibility and our right to address our grievances to these persons. It is also our right and responsibility to demand accountability from those who are refusing, failing, or ignoring their responsibilities.

Let me know your thoughts.